Attestation fiscale 2014 turnover limit?

Voyage of Discovery
· Viewed 1572 times

I’ve received both a Attestation Fiscale stating Regime Fiscal Prestations BNC for the amount 21,005 euros and stating A reporter sur votre declaration complementaire de revenus 2042 C (cases 5HQ, 5IQ, et 5JQ) and stating that I must make a declaration Complementaire de Revenus 2024 C.

I’ve also received from the RSI a Declaration Social des Independants Revenus 2014 stating if my declaration is greater than 19,020 euros that I need to declare my revenue on

Am I limited to the figure above as I thought that as a professional independant that there was a higher limit? Am I being asked to do the correct thing and should I go ahead as suggested? If I am limited to 19,020 euros and I have declared 21,005 euros what is the implication?

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