Auto-entepreneur and USA

· Viewed 1011 times

Hi Valerie,

I am an EU citizen that lives in France and has a French social security number as well as has been employed in France for ca 5 years. I am planning to start a collaboration with some US organization that is going to hire me as a vendor for some service related to software development. While I haven’t commenced my auto-entepreneur status yet (but I plan on having everything set-up before I receive my first payment), they gave me some form named W8-BEN to fill in. I would like to ask:
a) whether this is the correct form that I should fill in order to receive money from the US. My concern is that the form ( states that “Do NOT use this form if:  You are NOT an individual”. When I get my auto-entepreneur status, will I still be an individual, or should I use some other form?
b) If that is indeed the correct form, I am being asked to fill in a Foreign tax identifying number. Is this my normal French Social Security Number that I put in my tax declaration, or is this the SIRET number which I still do not have as I haven’t started the process yet?
c) The document asks for Special rates and conditions based on the country treaties. Do you have any idea of the most recent tax treaty between US and France and what is the percentage of withholding on the type of income I will be getting (and what kind of income)?

Thanks a lot

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