Auto-entepreneur applying for ACRE and ARCE
· Viewed 940 times
I did my request to become an auto-entrepreneur online today!
I would like to ask you:
- if I need to do immediately the request for ACRE, or I need to wait until my initial request is accepted and I get a SIRET number. By looking here:, I understand that I need to put the SIRET number in the form, but I wanted to make sure if I can gain some time, as I have some time requirements.
- Also, do you know how can we send the request? In the link I sent you there is the option “Envoyer ma demande d’Acre à l’Urssaf*”, but then it is redirected in a normal contact form without any option to send the specific form.
- If I understood correctly, I first apply for ACRE, and then I am eligible for ARCE as well, right? So I have to wait for ACRE to approved first, right?
- Finally, do you have any idea if at some point during the process, I am being summoned in person at URSSAF (or Pole emploi for ARCE), or all the process is done electronically? I am asking as I would like to arrange some travels in the following months, and would like to know if I will be needed in person as well.
Thanks a lot.