Auto-enterpreneur - Tax residency

· Viewed 485 times

I am a Non-EU national.  In 2019, I applied for a passport talent ”creation d’entreprise” and was given a 4 years Carte De Sejour (CDS). I registered an auto enterprise with Valerie’s kind help and started trading. Then Covid kicked in, and for different reasons, I was not able to fully relocate to France.  Right now I live 90% of the time in Switzerland but still pay taxes for all income occurred in France.

Shall I somehow inform the authorities that I spend more time outside of France, or do I just change the primary residence address to Switzerland in my next tax declaration? Do I still have the right to run my auto-enterprise, not being a tax resident in France?

Also, my carte de sejour expires soon, I am not sure whether I should apply to get it renewed - will applying for such renewal be considered as declaring my primary tax residence being in France (which is not the case)?


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