Auto-entrepeneur and US invoices + Bank account

· Viewed 840 times

Hi Valerie,

It’s been a couple of months since I first became an auto-entrepeneur, and now it is time for me to receive my first payment from a company that hired my services from the US! I would like to ask you few questions regarding the process of getting paid:

  1. Since these are services for a US entity, they want an invoice in English. However, I suppose that for my purposes I need to issue also an issue in French here? Do you have any idea on what should someone do in these cases, and how should I handle it?
  2. Also, I would like to ask you regarding the necessity of a dedicated bank account. Is it required by law to have one, and have ALL the payments being made there? I didn’t find the time to create one, and because I the entity I offer services to is a university with quite a lot of bureaucracy, they needed a bank account ASAP before I even had the chance to create one in order to be registered and approved as a vendor in their system. In that case, would it be a problem receiving this money on my personal bank account and then transferring them to a dedicated one that I make? An accountant told me that if it is less than 10,000 EUROS it is fine, so maybe I could adjust the payments in smaller amounts to handle that until I create an account. Do you have any idea?
  3. When I create such an account do I have to declare it to someone (maybe my bank, or URSSAF, or my impots.gouv)?
  4. Do you know if online financial services/banks like REVOLUT or TrasnferWISE can be used as a dedicated autoentrepreneur account?

That’s it for it. Thanks a lot!


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