Auto-Entrepreneur and beyond

· Viewed 658 times

Since July 2020 I am an auto-entrepreneur here in France and after the initial struggle I got all paperwork done rather quickly.

Currently, I am working as an external IT consultant, completely remote, for a customer in Germany. Next month I will exceed the given threshold so I will have to include VAT on my invoices. If everything goes well I will be contracted further, so I will exceed the maximum revenue thresholds for an auto-entrepreneur sooner or later as well.

Here are my questions:

  1. Where can I learn about how to deal with VAT? Where to declare? How to pay?
  2. What other obligations are connected to including VAT?
  3. My understanding is, that I can stay in the auto entrepreneur status, although I might exceed the revenue limit, at least in the first year exceeding the limit, is that correct?
  4. What would be the advantages and disadvantages when moving away from the auto entrepreneur status to another status, like régime réel? Would that be the recommended status in general?
  5. I also think it might be a good idea to hire an external accountant to do all the paperwork/declarations. Unfortunately my french is still bad, so I need someone that is able to speak English. I tried to find something suitable but could not find anything. Are there some major (online) platforms that provide these kinds of services?

Thanks a lot and have a great evening,

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