Auto-entrepreneur and carte vitale for family?

Dan Ravelle
· Viewed 1712 times

About us:

- Me and daughter (2 years old) are dual citizens (France and Canada)
- Wife is Canadian and here with Carte de Sejour
- We have been married for just over two years
- Have lots of types of ID from passports, birth certificates, livret de famillie etc.
- Have been in France since last August (moved here from Canada)
- Registered as an auto-entrepreneur last October as 7311Z Activites des agence de publicite
- Have not declared any revenues yet but have been sending in Declaration Mensuelle De Chiffre D’Affaires at 0€ for about 7 months

Am I profession liberale or something else? How do I go about getting Carte Vitale for me, wife and daughter? I have tried with RSI who sent me to RAM who sent me to and after months of this I am getting no where.

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