Auto-entrepreneur and declaring pregnancy?

· Viewed 1757 times

I have just been given the premier examen médical prénatal forms to send to the health cover organisations, and I just wanted to confirm that I’m sending them to the right people. For the first two copies it says to send to l’organisme chargé de vous verser les prestations familiales, which I assume is régime social des indépendants (RSI) for me, as an auto-entrepreneur? It says caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF) on the form, which I always thought RSI was the equivalent for my auto-entrepreneur status.

The third copy needs to be sent to l’organisme d’assurance maladie, which I assume is réunion des assureurs maladie (RAM), who I chose when I set up my auto-entrepreneur status last year? Have I matched up the right organisations?

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