Auto-Entrepreneur book keeping below €75?

· Viewed 1679 times

I have just visited the local chambre de commerce to add a second activity of brocantes to my primary auto-Entrepreneur registration of Gites. Unlike my original activity where payments are infrequent but quite large and usually by cheque/bank transfer, the new activity will involve a large number of small cash sales. I understand that small sales of under 75 euros do not have to result in a facture, but that it is necessary to record all purchases and sales in a ledger.

Is it sufficient for this purpose to simply record date and amount of each purchase and sale with a brief one line description of the goods? For purchases the goods will often be a job lot so it is difficult to itemise every single item in the lot.  Also, if I introduce part of my own personal antiques collection into the business, do I show this as a purchase at zero cost?

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