Auto-entrepreneur code for guide touristique?

· Viewed 2169 times

I asked about being barred from auto-entrepreneur status as a guide touristique, and as you suggest, intend to see them in person next week. Just to be clear though, I attach some links below which indicate that the activity of guide touristique is clearly marked as a produit associe of 79.90z, as 79.90 20 to be precise. Nowhere else in the naf codes is guide touristique mentioned except under this code.

If I return to my previous code, 79.12z, I will again be classified as commercant, yet guide touristique is clearly marked as being affiliated to CIPAV, as copied below. Therefor profession liberale. Besides, the 79.12z code is not what I do which is why INSEE suggested changing it.

URSSAF have refused to discuss codes with me saying it is all run through INSEE and INSEE assure me that my code is correct and the same as other guides. Is it simply that the code should be 79.90 20 as opposed to 79.90z, the former being clearly marked as a subcategory of the latter.

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