Auto-entrepreneur conjoint collaborateur or SARL business?
· Viewed 1484 times
I am currently registered as an auto-entrepreneur business in France, working as a marketing consultant. My husband operates in the same field and we are looking to form a partnership as our skills complement each other. We would like to begin the process of pitching for business as we do not have any clients on record at the moment. This being the case, it is difficult for us to project revenue for the entire year. Based on last year, our combined annual revenue was 40,000 euros but we are, of course, aiming for more this year.
- What is the best way forward for us - keep my auto-entrepreneur status while my husband applies as an auto-entrepreneur himself?
- What is the best way forward for us - register my husband as a conjoint collaborateur, in which case, what next steps need to be taken?
- Change from auto-entrepreneur to société à responsabilité limitée (SARL)? Would you be able to provide us with the advantages an disadvantages for each way forward?