Auto-entrepreneur electrician and materials quote?

· Viewed 1868 times

I have just registered 15 May 09 as an auto-entrepreneur as a qualified electrician and am awaiting my siret. I have not worked and not claimed benefit, since sept 08, when I was a co-joint collaberateur with my wife in a gite business ‘micro bic’which has now ceased trading, since sept 08.  Would I be entitled to ACCRE for the reduction in cotisations?

When I complete the quarterly declaration de chiffre d’affaires, which category would I fall under if I do not buy materials, I just provide my labour? I would like to also become a agent commercial, in estate agengcy, independent, not TVA registered, just sourcing properties and finding buyers for properties. Can I add this as a secondary activity and if so, what activity category would it be?

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