Auto-entrepreneur for an agent commercial?

· Viewed 1928 times

I have a couple of questions about my auto-entrepreneur application. A bit of history - I was a commercial agent for property sales, and I worked as a self employed professional with a social security number to cover myself and my family. During the recession, I closed down my French business to stop RSI payments being taken while I wasn’t earning, and for nearly a year I lived off my UK business. During this time, I have retained my social security number and my carte vitale. I have now made some property sales, so I am setting up as an auto-entrepreneur until I reach the threshold.

I realise that as a commercial agent I need to also register with the greffe. So my questions are:

  1. On both declarations, it asks Avez-vous déjà exercé une activité non salariée en France? or Avez-vous exercé une activité non-salariée?. Does that mean my old business, or is it asking if I currently have a business?
  2. On the Auto-entrepreneur form, can you clarify what the implications of these are: Conjoint ou pacsé salarié and Conjoint ou pacsé collaborateur
  3. I can’t seem to add my wife as a beneficiary of my insurance, as it won’t accept her place of birth. I believe this is a glitch in the form because I have tried many different things, but I don’t know what to do about it.
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