Auto-entrepreneur for property management company?

· Viewed 2030 times

We have been registered since May 2006 as a Micro Bic, nature des activities: services. We are considering changing over to the auto-entrepreneur scheme and wondered what effects if any it will have on our business? Our main concerns are that if our cotisation payments reduce, will the benefits/cover we currently receive also reduce along with the reduction in payments? Also is the amount that you pay in cotisations based on your annual income or is it fixed in some way?

When we first registered at the chambre of commerce the advised us not to bother as the amount we have to pay yearly in cotisations would not be worth our while working. They stated that the first year we would pay approx 3,000 euros the second year 5,000 and the third year 10,000, which would not be much more than we would earn. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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