Auto-entrepreneur for teaching English, translating and selling online?
· Viewed 1576 times
I am trying to gather info I can on opening a business in France. I have lived in France for 11 years renovating our house with my husband and then looking after our 3 kids while my husband works abroad. I have done some private translation work and run English lessons for groups and individuals. I have a TESOL qualification. I also want to set up a website promoting and selling my father’s paintings - especially art prints of his paintings.
- I think I need to register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- I would register as a profession (activité) libérale for the teaching and the translation work?
- I would resister as an activité commerciale for the vente à distance of paintings and prints.
- What are the codes APE and NAF, are they the same thing?
- When I register a business is there a limit on what I can list, i.e. can I add that I am an animateur anglais and createur sites internet, for example?
- Does there have to be one main activity?
- Apart from the social charges and taxes what else do I have to pay? Are there any hidden charges - for example if I do not earn anything for one month do I still have to pay something?