Auto-entrepreneur from another country - still access the SS system?

· Viewed 1609 times

I’m American and have a very complicated tax situation (with 5 rental properties in the US plus my main income in the US). I have been told by my contracts in the US that I must be there at least 6 mos/yr to keep those contracts. I have not found an income in our small French town so I must keep the contracts. So I am planning to spend 6-8 months a year in the US to keep the contracts and put my tax liability back in the US (where I can use my many tax deds there to reduce my taxes).

I will however keep my auto-entrepreneur status and my consulting work in France doing marketing for a tour company and teaching phone English and paying French taxes on these incomes (they are small incomes). If I live only part-time in France can I keep my auto-entrepreneur status and stay in the medical system here if I pay auto-entrepreneur taxes and I have my 10 year Carte de Sejour?

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