Auto-Entrepreneur health cover and Social Security number
· Viewed 1777 times
I have successfully registered my business under the auto-entrepreneur scheme (IT services as a profession liberale) and received my SIREN/SIRET about two weeks later at the end of January. I do not have an existing French social security number as I am newly arrived in France (and don’t have an E106 or other health cover). I am a UK citizen. I have selected Mutuelle du Soleil as my health care provider when completing the auto-entrepreneur application forms. Nothing received from them so far.
- How long should I wait before chasing Mutuelle du Soleil? - I would like to get my attestation for health cover as quickly as possible
- Will I need to do anything special because I don’t have an existing French Social Security number? And if so should I start by talking to Mutuelle du Soleil? Or URSSAF?
I am not very clear whether the process of applying for auto-entrepreneur will automatically lead to a social security number or whether this will mean that my application is delayed. Any advice would be gratefully received.