Auto-Entrepreneur on market and nutrition counselling?

· Viewed 1498 times

I want to start as an auto-entrepreneur with 2 activities with different tax rates.
A Coffee-buvette on a market - the owner of the stand died - and I’m really in a hurry to start again the buvette, otherwise other market sellers will take over the location. Nutrition counseling via email and my website and phone for clients abroad. Which régime fiscal is the best for me? Do I belong to URSSAF or RSA? On the long run I’ll earn more with nutrition councelling, initially the market buvette will bring in the most money.

Will I get a written verification at the centre de commerce after having applied the déclaration de début d’activité and the carte commerciale ambulante - so I could start immediately on the market? Are there certain requirements for nutrition councelors in France? Could you write me the link to your APE list, I couldn’t find it?

Will there be a tax problem because my clients live abroad in EU?  They find my offer via my website - I do my work here in France - send it via email abroad - I call them regularly from here - they transfere their payment from abroad to my account here in France or via paypal.

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