Auto Entrepreneur planning to split time between US and France

· Viewed 360 times

Thanks again for answering all of these questions. So helpful. I am an american citizen who has been an Auto Entrepreneur in France since January 2023, in the same domiciled region the whole time. We are planning to leave this city/region at the end of July 2024, first spending 2 months back in the US (while working) and then to a new city/region in France upon our return beginning October 2024.

This will likely not be a permanent residence at that point, but a trial of the area for 6-8 weeks. After that, we may return to the US for another 2 months or try another city/region in France. Is the income I earn while in the US for 2 month periods reportable to URSSAF in the normal manner? For Income tax purposes, will this be reported separately? What addresses do I need to change in the meantime while I don’t really have a “permanent” address (URSSAF, Ameli, Impots, etc)?

Thank you!


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