Auto-entrepreneur turnover declarations by credit card?

· Viewed 1455 times

I have just made my declaration and went through the procedure to pay by credit card. All was well and the system was waiting for the verify by visa code to come though on my phone by text but the bank was slow in its reply. There is obviously a time limit for this and the net entreprises page informed me that the bank had declined the payment. They did not decline it, but because I did not enter the number this triggered this response. The page cancelled out and returned to the main menu.

After a few minutes, the code was received and I went back into my declaration and all the original details were still on the declaration, which states the amount due, and the date it will be removed which is 2 February and the outstanding amount is shown in the visa payment box at the bottom of the form. However I don’t have the option to do anything with it, i.e. there is no button to validate again. How do I now go about paying this?

I do have the option to modify the declaration, so I wonder if I cancelled everything out and tried again in the hope that the bank was quicker in its reply in sending a new automated code.

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