Auto-entrepreneur turnover Limit exceeded in 2017, but now unsure what to do?

· Viewed 1237 times

My situation is as follows:

I exceeded my auto-entrepreneur turnover limit in 2017 (~83k total). I have a TVA number and have been declaring, so that’s not an issue. However, in terms of business structure…what I was told all year (via phone with URSSAF) was that URSSAF would automatically inform me if/when I needed to change regime, and I (assumed) I was going to move to Régime Réel Simplifié since I was over even the new allowed limit. I followed up a few times this year since I hadn’t yet heard from them and this is finally the response I received:

Suite à la loi de financement de la sécurité social 2018 augmentant les plafonds de chiffre d’affaires pour bénéficier du statut micro-entrepreneur, une tolérance sur l’année 2017 a été accordé, aussi aucun changement de régime n’a été fait. Si toutefois, vous avez opté pour le régime réel simplifié, veuillez nous adresser une attestation du centre des impôts stipulant la date de votre changement d’option fiscal.

I seem to understand this as I could either stay as AE, or opt myself to go into Régime Réel Simplifié.

  1. Is that understanding correct?
  2. I understand that the benefit of Régime Réel Simplifié would be to declare my expenses (which I will have more this year, probably 6-8k worth). In some basic simulations I’ve done it seems that because of the percentage difference in social charges between the two, it would be - roughly - equal between the two options with AE being slightly ahead.
  3. Any thoughts on what I should do? I assumed I was going into Régime Réel Simplifié, so now I don’t know what to think.


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