Auto-Entrepreneur versus Entreprise individuelle reel simplifie

Jester Wester
· Viewed 1084 times

I wrote a message to you earlier which I thought was via the forum as I have already paid my 99 Euro fee, but from your reply, I think it was just sent from the contact form.

My original question was:

I have been approached by a large French company to take over the English training of their staff. As an auto-entrepreneur am I able to receive money form this company and then effectively sub-contract other Teachers to fulfil the teaching requirements? As an AE can I then just declare to URSSAF my profits as income. Would it be better to form a different business structure?

You said that as an AE I would have to pay social charges on my turnover. Is this the same situation as an Entreprise Individuelle (EI).
To confirm, if I was paid 500 Euros for providing course of training and then my teacher invoiced me 400 Euros for providing the service, as an AE I have to pay charges on 500 Euros?

If I was an EI would I only have to pay charges on 100 Euros as my Teachers invoice would be an expense?

Thank you


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