How to complete the 2042C form

· Viewed 1829 times

Hi everyone, here is how to complete the 2042C form:

1 - if you have opted for regime micro fiscal or “versement liberatoire”, i.e paid your income tax at source, you STILL need to declare your turnover for 2009, but you will not be charged again. Impots needs to know your overal household income, as it will be used for instance by CAF (CAisse Allocations Familiales) to calculate other allowances (housing, child benefits, etc).

- Go to section 5B Revenus I
BIC - ndustriels et Commerciaux Professionnels
- 5TA vente de marchandises: add your total sales goods
- 5TB prestation de services et locations meubles : add your total sales for services (teaching, translating, consultants, manual services) and furnished houses rented

BNC Benefices Non Commerciaux, go to 5TE

2 - If you have NOT paid your income tax yet (i.e. NOT opted for micro fiscal)
BIC - Benefices Industriels et Commerciaux Professionnels
- 5KO vente de marchandises: add your total sales goods
- 5KP prestation de services et locations meubles : add your total sales for services (teaching, translating, consultants, manual services) and furnished houses rented

BNC Benefices Non Commerciaux, go to 5HQ

Impots will apply a standard rebate to your turnover to calculate your income, i.e.
- rebate of 71% of trade (vente de marchandises)
- rebate of 50% for services
- rebate of 34% for BNC

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