Bank account type for an entreprise individuelle and best option banks

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For opening a bank account for an entreprise individuelle (using the address of this not mine) there is a need to open a business type bank account? Or can be a personal account tied to the entreprise individuelle ? In the last case, since I do not have yet personal domiciliation in France that would not work for now even if possible (looking back seems choosing not get personal domiciliation initially was so far one of my worst decisions along to choose Toulouse for business domicilation).

This bank account should be opened near to the location of the enterprise domicilation, e.g. same city? Any time frame you are required to open a bank account for the company once you have the company’s initial papers? (I’m thinking of sorting out the personal domiciliation issue, and anyway my accountants are on long holiday).

I’ve sent a few inquiries so far to a couple of banks, now waiting for their answers and trying to gather more info. I got a very fast answer, like in 5 minutes, from Britline saying “open a Britline account you need to be fiscally resident in France, in the UK or in Ireland. Moreover we do not do business account at Britline.” So one of the list off.

What is the best bet to manage to open the account ? Walk straight into a bank or send inquiries over emails first to narrow down the names ? (especially when you are not yet up to speed to a French incommode conversation). The so-called online ones do not seem to do business type bank accounts (e.g. ing direct is a no go in France although overseas no problems).

Any foreign entrepreneurs-friendly bank names e.g. that are more likely to say yes for opening a bank account or to say it other way preferred by foreign entrepreneurs?

A small update, from Boursorama Pro, they “stressed” that you need a personal bank account in France (so a RIB) and this is mandatory for any opening of a bank account in an online bank.

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