Beneficiaire but with own social security number

· Viewed 1984 times

I am ayant droit under my husbands auto-entrepreneur business. My husbands existing carte vitale details were updated via the machine at pharmacy to the new assurer RAM. Mine I had to get a new card because the machine wouldn’t update it to the new assurer, but I received a new card very quickly. We also have the paper attestations. The only minor detail which I need to sort out is the declaration de choix du medecin traitant form.

For some reason our doctors details for my husband were transferred across from CPAM to RAM but not mine. RAM have kept my old immatriculation number (I know elsewhere you have advised that as an ayant droit I would take my husbands but this isn’t the case for me.)  As I have kept my original number, do I put myself down as the assured or the beneficiare (there are no boxes to put my own number in the beneficiare part)?

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