Best option for business start up and assistance for the category choice APE?

Mlle Z
· Viewed 1631 times

I am currently unemployed but am using the startup option for creating an enterprise. I have been told I need to contact ACCRE and then I will get my ACRE details I am not sure at what stage i should register for my business and if auto-entrepreneur is the best option as I will need to purchase a business vehicle and will need to get some equipment.

I am a nurse and have already my number adeli so I can practice here, the business has two distinct segments. Firstly I am setting up an agency providing professional babysitting, initially in the Savoie region. My clients will pay a membership fee and a booking fee for each booking, the individuals employed will be self employed. We will be using nurses, eje, individuals with their bafa etc. I would also like to find out if I can provide nursing care for english speaking patients here in the community as a separate aside.

The other half of the business is (often for the same clients) I provide, maintenance and property management and it includes things like minor DIY, cleaning services, collecting and storing their effects. In short servicing the families practical requirements whilst here in France. I have also been asked if I could provide meals for my clients here when they need it. I am not sure what requirements there would be on me for this. I do have catering and food handling experience.

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