Best scheme for current situation

· Viewed 144 times

I’m set up as an auto-entrepeneur. All is going ok I think!!!

I live in France but work for an Irish company. For all intensive purposes I’m an employee of the company, however, I have to be a contractor as they are not set up here in France.

I have a salary of 40-45k.

I’m wondering if this is the best situation for me. I pay highish social charges at 23.2%, I can’t claim any expenses (phone, travel, internet, use of my house as an office, light and heat, mutual, income protection etc). Everyone I have spoken too says my tax will be very low also. Is this true? Company was setup in March of 2024 (married, wife working since August and 2 kids) The French system is very complicated!!!!

Additional question;
I understand the VAT threshold but I’m wondering what happens when you go above the €36,600.
Do you have to pay VAT on all the revenue or just the part over the threshold. My company in Ireland wont be paying it.


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