Best way to declare a missed out payment on previous declaration trimestrielle?

· Viewed 1428 times

Hi Valerie, while preparing my déclaration trimestrielle for the 4th trimester I realised that I had not declared a payment that I received in July on my declaration for the 3rd trimester. What is the best way to go about correcting this? Do I just declare it in the 4th trimester or do I need to contact the URSSAF to make a correction for the 3rd trimester. In this case, which penalties/interest charges are involved? I realise, that from 2012 the penalties are much tougher, but couln’t find any info for 2011.

Also, including this payment in the 4th trimester will mean a very large CA for that trimester. Are there limits per trimester?

And finally, by forgetting to include this payment in my calculations, I also crossed the threshold of 32,600€ for 2011, but I’m still below the 34,600 € secondary threshold. It is the first time this has happened, so I assume I will be allowed to stay in the AE dispositif?

Many thanks in advance!

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