Best ways of getting financial and other assistance for my business in France?

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I am now at the stage where I would like to expand my business in France and would like some advice on the best ways of approaching banks and other organisations for both financial and other assistance, as I have up to now input my own money. I have spoken to my bank twice now concerning the possibility of a small loan; the first time when I set up the business and the second time about a year ago, but on both occasions they were not interested, even though I own my house, do not have a mortgage or any other debts.

The bank’s reason for refusing a loan is that my French business turnover is too low, but I try to explain that I cannot increase my turnover without investing more money in the business. I have a tourism based business, cycle hire and cycle tours, which has grown each year; (EI, regime: Micro-Bic). When I set up the business in 2008, I bought all my bicycles and equipment from a local shop here in France, which cost approximately 7,000 euros, and have the invoices for the purchase. Would it be possible to apply for a loan for this particular purchase, or is it too late?

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