Better off as an entreprise individuelle regime micro or auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1768 times

In the wake of the possible time restrictions on the auto-entrepreneur regime and as one who may be forced to move to another regime such as entreprise individuelle regime micro - I just wanted to check that I have a clear understanding. The business is gites. Take for example a turnover of €10,000. At the moment we would pay 14% cotisations on that turnover equalling €1,400. Am I right in thinking that under entreprise individuelle regime micro the calculation would be €10,000 - €7,100 (71% rebate) = €2,900 x 46% = €1,334 actually making us a little better off.

Have I understood this correctly and are there any other expenses under the entreprise individuelle regime micro that I have not accounted for such as accountant?

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