Better to be an auto-entrepreneur or travailleur independente?

· Viewed 1952 times

I am a psychologist who works very part-time and currently I make less than 3000 euros per year. This may increase in 2014 but to a maximum of 10000 euros per year. When I first started my liberale practice I wanted to be an auto-entrepreneur because I knew that I would not earn a great deal and I do not have a lot of expenses. However, there was an error somewhere and in fact I have been registered as a travailleur independente with the URSSAF. I can switch to auto-entrepreneur and have learned the process to do so, but now I am wondering if I want to or should.

I may be earning more this coming year but I also do need to purchase tests and office materials on occasion, plus I do attend conferences and training seminars. All of these add up and it would be nice to declare them for deductions. I will also be renting an office for use once a week. Given my income rate, which is quite low, and that for the last two years I have paid almost no in cotisations because of my low income, I am wondering which is the best regime for me. Currently I am under Regime BNC.

I should note that avoidance of paperwork would be great so if I stand to gain very little by declaring all my expenses, perhaps it is best to be an auto-entrepreneur and have less of a headache.

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