Bilan and accounting discrepancies

· Viewed 2041 times

We have a Petite Restauration / Salon de Thé business (non salariés) and we are on Le régime réel simplifié d’imposition (RSI). We have just received our Cotisations for 2013 (based on revenue 2011) and have the following questions after checking through our 2011 Bilan compared to our own accounting records. We have not discussed these issues with our accountant yet as we thought we would try and get a better understanding first.

Paid out 5589 euros. Bilan 31/12/11 3954 euros. Why is there such a difference?

Paid out 1768 euros HT. Bilan 819 euros Are we only allowed a % of petrol costs, i.e. 46% against the business?

Loan for development paid out 2283 euros. Bilan (interest paid) 364 euros. Where does capital repayment come from?

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