Business cotisation category chambres d´hotes v2: 631 marchandises vs 646 services

· Viewed 1385 times

For just over a year I have a chambres d’hôtes 5520z hébergement touristique et autre hébergement de courte durée as a micro/auto entrepreneur and payed cotisations for 646 prestations de services as I was told so by the RSI (Tarbes) in the beginning of my business.

After reading your post about the correct cotisation being ‘631 ventes de marchandises’, I contacted the RSI and made an appointment in order to get informed about the procedure for a refund. The RSI called me to inform me that the correct cotisation is ‘646 prestation de services’ and not ‘631 ventes des marchandises’ and therefore cancelled my appointment. For further questions they forwarded my request to URSSAF.

After mailing to URSSAF (Toulouse) about the matter, someone from URSSAF called me several days later with the exact same response as the RSI, being that chambres d’hôtes is a service and not ventes des marchandises.

Do you have a reference to a document which states the fiscal law / regulation about this, and / or do you have an advice on how to solve this?

Kind regards

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