Business cotisations to RSI, URSSAF or both?

· Viewed 1471 times

My husband and I are each registered a business in France as liberal professionals (enterprise individuelle; BNC: declaration controlee; TVA: Reel normal; Activite: conseiller en affaires et gestion). Shortly after registering with union de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d’allocations familiales (URSSAF) back in February, we received a notice from both régime social des indépendants (RSI) and URSSAF regarding stating the amount of our cotisations (433 euros and 675 euros respectively).

  1. At the time we thought that we would simply pay the greater amount of cotisations to URSSAF and they would be forwarded to RSI. We have faithfully paid each quarter to URSSAF. To the best of your knowledge, are these notices of cotisations completely separate? If so, please explain for what those contributions are used.
  2. when will receive information about the amount of cotisations for 2017? Are we required to do something to get that information or is it sent automatically?

I recently contacted RSI and I’m waiting for a response. However, if I should have paid the additional amount to RSI separately, I’d like to take care of it as soon as possible.

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