Business options for setting up as a translator in France?

· Viewed 1533 times
  1. I am setting up as a freelance translator business in France and am hesitating between auto-entrepreneur and entreprise-individuelle. Have I understand correctly that they are two different structures?
  2. My main reason for hesitating is that I will be working at home and under the auto-entrepreneur business I will not be able to make any deductions for office space, electricity, etc. I will have some initial expenses such as a computer and translating software. The 32,900 euros auto-entrepreneur limit will not be a problem.

    If I opt for a non-auto entrepreneur structure, can I make deductions for office space, electricity, the car, etc. Would the accounts be complicated - would I need an accountant, in which case would it be expensive?

  3. I read there was a limit on income per part familiale to be able to opt for the micro-entreprise regime - what would that upper limit be for a family of five?
  4. I understand that as an auto-entrepreneur business, I would not have to pay cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) the first year. Is this correct?

  5. I would like to request help in the form of aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE) - is this only available if you chose to be an auto-entrepreneur?
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