Business registration, record label / artist-author + carte-vitale for pregnant wife!

· Viewed 826 times

Hi Valérie,

I am British, living in France since May 2019, with my wife, she is Mexican and 6 months pregnant with our first child smile Our French is poor but improving! Since last week my wife finally has her Carte de Sejour, but we do not yet have her Carte Vitale, which is our priority. We made an application last week but would like to chase it and find out if it’s possible to expedite the process in her situation, otherwise, we may have to go to the UK for the birth (this would be a last resort as our home is nowhere in France).

The other point I’m looking for help with is registering my professional activity. Which is connected as it seems my application for my own Carte vitale has stalled until I can prove my revenue. I have two activities, I am an artist/musician, I make an income from playing live shows and festivals round the world. I also have a record label / online store which is currently my main source of income. My question relates to registering myself as professionally active in France. My booking agent in France recommended I register as an artist for Intermittent du Spectacle, they can help with this. I would like to know if it is possible to keep my record label business registered in the UK, as this is where the label and online store activity takes place and register for Intermittent du Spectacle in France.

I would appreciate so much any guidance.

Thank you.

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