Can a person who works under CESU be an ayant droit or affiliated to CPAM?

· Viewed 1764 times

My wife is doing babysitting through chèque emploi service universel (CESU) in France. She is working about 5 hours a week. She currently has no health care in France. I requested to add her as an ayant droit on my health cover (I have an auto-entrepreneur business), but when my carte vitale finally came she was not covered on it.

Does my wife have the choice between going to CPAM and getting a numero securite sociale of her own, and then obtaining a carte vitale on her own, or adding herself to my health cover by completing a demande de rattachement. Is this a free choice, or is she obliged now she is working under CESU to get her own cover?

Finally, perhaps I should add this under a different question, but what other notifications does she need to make? She has received CESU bulletins de salaire via her employer from URSSAF but she has no numero securite sociale and I am concerned about how to make sure the concerned authorities register her as a French tax resident. Does she need to contact anyone else, e.g. URSSAF, CESU or Impots?

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