Can an auto-entrepreneur be an agent commercial?

· Viewed 1718 times

I have just been up to Greffe to register as an agent commercial under the auto-entrepreneur scheme in France with a contract to act as an agent for an immobilier. I was informed by the company in question that this was the norm and that it would not be a problem. However Greffe have stated that under the auto-entrepreneur scheme I cannot register to do any type of worked linked to an immobilier. They have stipulated Regimes des micro-entreprises, Article 50-0 modifié par Décret no 2010-421 du 27 avril 2010 art.1 as the code in question.

I have also set up affiliations with currency companies who pay a commission based on recommendations etc., but they do not provide any formal contracts that are acceptable to Greffe. Is there any other scheme that I can register under that is similar to the auto-entrepreneur scheme in that I can pay as I earn - as I cannot afford in the short term to pay out when I am not earning?

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