Can I add my family to my auto-entrepreneur health cover?

· Viewed 2154 times

I am an auto-entrepreneur. Until December our 2 kids and I have been included on my husband’s health cover via CPAM via his work. He works for a UK-based French company and we had all been linked to his carte vitale via an S1. In January his S1 expired and he was told it could not be renewed as we had been in France too long. As he is based here on a mobility/secondment arrangement, his work then provided full 100% private cover for us all. However his work will soon be transferred back to the UK and we are exploring the possibility of staying in France rather than moving back.

  1. Is it possible for us all to transfer to French cover via my auto-entrepreneur? 
  2. If so, is this done via URSSAF or do I need to transfer to RSI?
  3. Is any or all of this possible using existing paperwork, i.e. updating our previous cartes vitale or would we need to start over again with the application process given the cartes are no longer valid?
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