Can I change from Reel or Micro to auto-entrepreneur business?

· Viewed 1655 times

I purchased a franchise business in France four years ago and was set up as a regime de la declaration controlee because the forecasted income was going to be over 40,000 euros per year. This did not happen and the business has produced losses for the last four years. I have paid RSI (minimum amount) each year out of my capital. At this stage I have to decide whether to cease the franchise or carry on.

  1. Does contributing to régime social des indépendants (RSI) entitle you to a pension or a portion of one?
  2. If I cease paying RSI will I lose benefits and health cover?
  3. Can I change back to an auto-entrepreneur and restart the business paying RSI only on what I earn? This would mean cancelling contracts, carte professional, termination at the Tribunal de Greffe and re applying.
  4. My wife is on a Micro for three years and has just received RSI demands for three years arrears as she was never asked for RSI contributions to date. Income is less than 5,000 euros for each year. Can she change from micro to auto-entrepreneur?
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