Can I change from SARL to Entreprise Individuelle?

· Viewed 1752 times

I took lots of advise from many different people and organisations and they all told me that I could and should close down my SARL and start as an we. The SARL is closed but in the meantime I have had horrendus problems from the cdc in Carhaix and the lady who works there is absolutely adament that I cannot close a SARL to start an auto-entrepreneur and has put some kind of block on my dossier to make sure that I don’t do it.

I’ve been told however that she can’t stop me from starting up an Entreprise Individuelle; I’d just like to ask you if this is true and if you can, please give me a bit more info on the EI schemes. I’m not keen on moving into something that will give me the same amount of work and expenses as the sarl did; accountants fees and quarterly book-keeping, TVA returns etc. I only sell small value items so claiming back and paying the TVA is not actually that beneficial for me; can an EI be registered as TVA non applicable?

Finally; if I wanted to dispute the decision of one lady in the CDC in Carhaix, who would I contact to take this further? Even my accountants and the legal team are shocked by this decision and say that it is a farce as many people in different communes outside of my area are able to close and start up again with no problems.

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