Can I close my business in France and avoid social security contributions?

· Viewed 1804 times

I am a registered auto-entrepreneur and started working in France in September 2014. Due to personal reasons, we are relocating back to our home country and hence I will cease to work from mid December 2014 and terminate the auto-entrepreneur business registration.

  1. During registration I had opted for monthly declaration of turnover. As per the schedule our 1st submission is due in January 2015. Since I would have effectively worked only for about four months till mid December 14 and would have applied for cessation thereafter, am I still obliged to declare the turnover in January 2015 and pay social security contribution on it? Can I be exempted from paying it by any means?
  2. What are the procedures to be followed for cessation of auto-entrepreneur status and how much time does it take?
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