Can I get siret number before I start my activity?

· Viewed 1817 times

I filled in the on-line auto-entrepreneur registration form on August 22nd. I set my starting date as 01-01-2014. And still no news. I check my declaration at regularly and can see that Etat is acceptée avec pièces justificatives. Will they wait till 01-01-2014 and only then give me the siret number?

It is stated that les déclarations terminées sont conservées 3 mois sur la plateforme, puis détruites. So my declaration form will be erased on November 22nd. Does it mean I need to do new on-line registration after that date? I did try to contact cfe-metiers through their on-line declaration portal. Also no answer. My French is not goog enough to have the phone conversation, so any comments or information would be great.

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