Can I only work for one client at a time?

· Viewed 1839 times

I wish to work from home doing telephone sales work and data inputting. I have managed to obtain some work from my contacts in the UK. This particular company wish for me to invoice them every month for the work that I do, based on an hourly rate that we have agreed. I thought that I would be able to register as auto-entrepreneur but see from your video that I have to have more than one client. Because of the type of work that I am doing, I can only work for one client at a time? There is also a possibility of this position becoming permanent but I dont know when.

I wish to do things legally, pay my taxes and contribute to my Carte Vitale but I do not wish to frighten this company off with the risk of being chased by URSSAF to settle the employer’s social charges charges sociales patronales on what they pay me, as I think that this could lose me the work. What are your suggestions please?

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