Can I operate a holiday property rental website from the UK?

· Viewed 1564 times

Could you please let me know if I can operate a holiday property rental website from the UK without any structure at all in France please? Would I still need a Carte Professionnelle etc.?All the rental properties would be owned by British/US owners and our rental clients would also tend to be the Brits and Americans. All rental money would be handled outside of France. The only connection therefore to France is that the properties are here which I think will have a bearing on the above. I will be resident in the UK and all employees will also be in the UK and employed by the UK Ltd business. One other thing to know if that I will be sub-contracting work to small companies here in France. Could I operate totally out of the French system or would they want me to be registered for TVA etc? I would obviously have no need for any health care here in France etc.

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