Can I reclaim chômage and then reclaim ACCRE in France?

· Viewed 1483 times

I hoped to have micro-entrepreneur business status in France for a long time to come - but because I wasn’t aware of the pro-rata rule I exceeded the earnings allowance in my first year (2016) and I am now travailleur indépendant au regime de la déclaration contrôlee. I’m not very happy about this and have three questions:

  1. Is there any point contesting this decision? For your information the authorities only ever told me I could earn up to 32,900 euros every year, with a tolerance added after the first year, and never mentioned pro rata…
  2. Will I be able to return to micro-entrepreneur status and regain aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE) at any point, maybe in 2018? For your information I was entitled to ACCRE because I was chômeur before I created my business in France.
  3. If I stopped my own business activity and took a job contrat de travail à durée indéterminée (CDI), then lost that job, would I be able to reclaim chômage? Then, after, would I be able to become a micro-entrepreneur again and reclaim ACCRE? For your information I worked in England before coming to France which, along with working three days in France (CDI) before I was fired, entitled me to chômage.
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