Can I run a business in Australia and France?
· Viewed 1811 times
I am registered as a sole trader in Australia and have recently moved to France and need to start my business here. I am a graphic designer and website developer with a visa for Profession Liberal. I am also about to launch an online training program teaching people how to use particular software online, video tutorials, downloads etc. I was told that I could run my business in Australia and also setup as an auto-entrepreneur in France and choose what services to put through each, eg. graphic design / website through France and online program sales through Australia and then declare Australian income as international income for France, so pay taxes on Australian income in France so that everything is legitimate.
- Can I actually do this?
- Does there need to be a clear distinction between what is put through each business?
- Does the international income count towards the auto-entrepreneur threshold?
- How would expenses work? In Australia they are deductible, so I would claim anything relating to services I put through that business.