Can I setup a UK company and be resident in France?

· Viewed 1902 times

You have given me useful advice on the choice of company set-up in France. However, having done the maths it seems to me that the charges are horrendous! If I start an EIRL, I will pay 46% social charges on my net profit and tax on top of that. As I am already covered by my husband’s contributions it seems there is no advantage for me in paying this. Also, if what is left is then regrouped with my husband’s income, it will be taxed at the highest tax bracket. Once accountant’s fees are added in there would really be extremely little financial reward – if any – to show for my work. Do you agree with this calculation?

I am therefore considering whether I can base my company in the UK? I am a British citizen but non resident. As my potential clients are all based in the UK and will pay into my UK bank account, is there any way that I could set up my company in the UK? For example, by using members of my family or friends as sleeping partners?

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