Can I start business as a graphic designer in France and have a UK business?
· Viewed 1414 times
I’m thinking of setting up business as an auto-entrepreneur in France as a graphic/web designer.
- Can I turnover the maximum amount allowed for an auto-entrepreneur each year and in addition to this, earn income from other employment? If so, am I still entitled to a personal allowance for the income earned from employment, or would the income received from working as an auto-entrepreneur wipe this out and be taken into consideration when working out which tax band I fall into?
- I have a UK limited company of which I am an employee/shareholder/director. Can I earn a salary from this company for work undertaken in the UK in addition to the turnover I am permitted in France as an auto-entrepreneur? And would the activity undertaken in the UK need to be different from the activity I undertake as an auto-entrepreneur in France?
- The turnover limit for an auto-entrepreneur should just about be enough for my design work. Someone has suggested that I should look into the maison des artistes scheme instead - is this something that you think I would qualify for and if so, would there be advantages in terms of turnover limit and tax/social charges due?