Can I switch my exisiting business for the auto entrepreneur system?

· Viewed 1750 times

Many of you wonder whether their existing micro entreprise can be changed to become an auto entrepreneur. Unfortunately you can’t move from a micro entreprise to the auto-entrepreneur system, or close your business down to restart as an auto entrepreneur.

However you can ask the RSI (Regime Social des Independants) - the body collecting your social charges - to switch to the regime micro social. Your business will remain the same, but it will enable you to pay your social charges according to your actual turnover, as per the auto-entrepreneur system.

In order to switch over, you have to contact the RSI by phone then confirm by mail. They may not be able to do it straight away, as they were waiting for the decret d’application to be voted to see how to handle this. We should get an answer in the next 2 weeks, and I will make a post on this website as soon as the procedure has been approved.

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